Frequently Asked Questions
Many of our prospective clients have questions that are best answered through our free, no-obligation consultation call. To schedule yours today, contact us. We’ve proactively answered some of the questions we get often to help you see if a consultation is right for you.
Many other campaign consulting firms, charge a fee based on the size of your campaign or a percentage of what you plan to raise. We charge a flat fee to all of our clients no matter the size of their campaign, their budget, or the size of their church. There is no bonus or percentage of funds raised that go to us during or after your campaign. Our fee is payable as a monthly retainer fee or in a payment plan based on the duration of your campaign. Our fees are competitive with other similar campaign consultants. If you have a budget that you need to stay with in, we can work with you. This campaign is for his glory, not ours.
We exclusively work with Christian churches that fully assent to The Gospel Coalition’s Confessional Statement. If you disagree with some or all of these tenets, we’re happy to recommend another firm that can work with you to meet your needs. We have a number of partner consultancies with whom we can provide a warm introduction. We do work with ministry organizations such as parachurches, missions organizations, and other Christian charities. We’re happy to discuss your situation with you and determine if we are able to help.
Our engagement with you begins with a commitment to study and understand your church or ministry and what makes sense for you. Since we’re not paid on a percentage, we have no incentive to artificially increase the size of your campaign. We work with you to identify and clarify your needs, goals, and vision. From there, we develop a plan to reach those goals and train your team to implement the campaign. Once your campaign is completed, we continue to walk with you towards your vision and come alongside your leaders to continue to provide support.
It’s certainly possible and there are many good books as well as sound advice out there. The benefit we offer is a gospel-centered approach that is specifically designed to unify your church during a capital campaign. Our experience with capital campaigns and fundraising will help you avoid stumbling blocks that we’ve seen other churches experience. We’re also able to be third-party believers in the process for you to help reduce the stress on your pastors and church leadership while offering a perspective that is honest and reliable as you undertake your project. Our hope is that the unique advantage we provide can help your campaign be more successful than it would be otherwise. We’ll also be launching a do-it-yourself training system in 2018. Let us know that you’re interested and we’ll let you know when it’s ready.
We don’t offer a money-back guarantee but we promise to you that we will not put you in a position to fail. We have a number of resources as well as experience to identify gifts and givers that often get overlooked that often make it much easier to make larger gifts than people thought. Our process ensures that the target amount for your campaign is feasible and likely to be achieved. We will also provide extensive training to your leadership, congregation, and staff to meet the goal you’ve collectively established.
No campaign is typical but depending on the complexity of your project, the makeup of your congregation or donors, and a variety of other factors, we can provide you with a timeline that is specific to your project’s needs. From initial engagement to completion of the campaign training and pledge process beginning is rarely less than six months. Most campaigns are approximately a year with a pledge period of 3-5 years.