If you’re reading this, you’re already a reader and you probably see the value of doing some reading.
A Pew Research study found 19 percent of Americans don’t read any books. (buffer.com)
So you’re probably already one of the top readers in our sector but maybe you’d like to read more and feel overwhelmed with how much content is out there.
Most people mistakenly think that they don’t have enough time to read. But this calculator suggests that you have way more time on your hands than you think and could read considerably more by changing small habits.
Now we’re not saying that you stop posting pictures of your lunch completely but if your results are anything like ours, you could read quite a few more books in the next twelve months.
Because the truth is we’re reading more words per day now than ever before. It’s just garbage reading. Texts and alerts and notifications and emails and headline skims and fly-by tickers and blog feeds and Twitter spews and Instagram comments. (neil.blog)
If you know how to read, then reading books is relatively easy. You simply have to make time to read. Easier said than done, of course. (jamesclear.com)
So what are some quick ways to get us all reading a bit more?
- Always have a book handy. Whether it’s a physical book or an ebook or an audiobook. Having access to it is the most important step. The first step is easy and fundamental. Making a book list allows you to stay on track with your reading goals and to always know what you’ll be reading next. When it comes to making a list, you can always use good old fashioned pen and paper, but if you want the searchability and ubiquitous access of digital tools, give Goodreads a try. (zapier.com) Check out our list of recommended books and pick out your first one today.
- Set a very small (atomically small) goal. Start by setting a reading goal that is easily attainable – such as reading just one book per month or 20 pages a day. If you’re already breezing through a book a month then jump up to two. When you’re not over-committing, you’ll find that the reading experience is less stressful and more enjoyable. I’ve found a really interesting thing. If your reading is not stressful, you will be able to concentrate and read really fast. (inc.com) If you’re new to reading books consistently, perhaps just set the goal of opening your Kindle app instead of the Facebook or Instagram app; if you read 10 tweets, balance it out with one page of an ebook.
- Quit early. I’m sure you’ve been halfway through a book and asked yourself, “Why am I reading this?” Don’t worry. It happens to the best of us. But instead of trying to power through a book that you’re not enjoying or finding useful you should just put it down and start reading something else. (inc.com) We’ve tried to provide both our reviews as well as user reviews of books on our site to help you avoid picking up a lemon of a book. But you still might not find one of our well-reviewed books helpful. Put it down and pick up a new one.
How else are you reading more, finding time to read, or figuring out which books are helpful? How can we help you be more effective? Comment below or send us an email.