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Expert , Christ-Centered FundraisingPowered by God, Propelled by the Gospel, Impact for His glory .

As a pastor or Christian ministry leader, you know that raising money is challenging. So do we. We want to help you glorify God through your ministry and guide you to improving your church or Christian ministry to sustainability.

Unlike other consultants that hold back information until you pay for it, our heart is to help you grow. That’s why our pricing is transparent (check it out!) for everything we do and incredibly affordable. No large upfront fees, no percentage-based pay, this is Gospel-centered help you can really afford.

Fundraising AutoPilot

We take care of your most difficult fundraising tasks. Expenses controlled. Revenue maximized.

Mastermind & Coaching

We give you the specific coaching and content you need. Never one-size fits all.

Capital Campaigns

We plan, train, and execute campaigns to retire debt, fund buildings, and expand ministries.

The Slingshot Difference


We provide financial, technical, and strategy advice to pastors and executive teams tailored specifically to your needs.


Our resources have been proven to work. We've used them ourselves and we continue to use them personally and professionally.


Your custom resources are designed to give you step by step execution plans. We give you everything you need.


Our partners receive unlimited in-person, e-mail, and phone support. Need to talk? We're here for you.

Case StudyStonebrook Community Church

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Slingshot was engaged to determine the feasibility of a church renovation project and a church plant. Stonebrook Community Church identified a group of church leaders who were surveyed by phone and in-person interviews. Results were shared with Stonebrook's leaders.